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Some Reasons Why Unisex Marriages Are Inappropriate

If unisex marriages are to be legalized, soon enough gay people will start annoying straight people by encouraging them to become gay, just like some people are bugging other people to get married.
Legalizing unisex marriages will open the door to all kinds of abnormal behavior, like people wishing to marry their dogs, cats, horses, and other lovely pets.
Straight marriages already decadent will become even less meaningful and their sanctity completely destroyed.
Obviously unisex marriages will raise gay children.
For a multilateral self development a child needs both a male and a female role model at home.
As a result of natural evolution any creature including human being uses it's anal orifice for the "most appropriate" purpose - pooping.
Got arguments? Comment.

Ultima modificare: Marţi, 03 Iulie, 2018, 1:29:47

Portal educativ de tineret pentru studierea şi aplicarea Principiului Divin. Proiect susţinut de Biserica Unificării din Moldova.


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