
Portal educativ de tineret pentru studierea şi aplicarea Principiului Divin. Proiect susţinut de Biserica Unificării din Moldova.


Дети Пишут Богу

Здравствуй, Господи. Как у Тебя дела? Как живешь? Как здоровье?

Женя, 2кл.

Если Ты устроишь конец света, кто ж на Тебя молиться будет?

Петя, 4 кл.

А какое у Тебя образование?

Зайга, 2 кл.

А вот свечи в церкви продают. Это Твой бизнес?

Толик, 2 кл.

Я прочитал что Христос-еврей, но он же-Твой сын. Значит, Ты тоже - еврей

Ася, 2 кл.

Господи, Ты хоть мой новый адрес знаешь?

Ляля, 1 кл.

У католиков один Бог, у мусульман-другой, у лютеран-третий, у иудеев четвертый, у православных-пятый. Да сколько же вас там?

Игорь, 4 кл.

Ладно Христос страдал ради людей, а ради чего страдают люди?

Гриша, 4 кл.

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Split of the Unification Movement (book @amazon)

This book is a study of the history of the split of the Unification Movement from 1998 to 2016. Specifically, the author studied the reasons, process, and the results of the split of the Unification Movement around the time of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's death in September, 2012. The book aids the reader to put together the pieces to understand the actions and consequences of the often-opaque leadership of the various organizations of the Unification Movement, as the True Mother (Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon), Hyung Jin Sean Moon (youngest son of Rev. Moon), and other leaders of the Family Federation take over the organizations the late founder left behind. The author states that the current Family Federation led by True Mother (Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon) is theologically different from the organization led by True Father (Rev. Sun Myung Moon). The book also presents a hint as to what challenges lie ahead in the future of the Unification Movement. (Note: This is an advanced copy of the Korean version of the book. Please note that there may be some translation issues. A better developed English version is in the works.)


Revew by M.H., July 1, 2017:

The book is very enlightening to understand what took place in front of people's eyes and behind the scenes in the Unification movement. It is worth noting that the Family Federation is not releasing the full record of Rev. Moon's words in audio and video which they have in their possession. If the truth were in the interest of the Family Federation they would release all the videos and audio of what went on around Rev. Moon and clear up all this confusion. But instead they delete, edit and revise Rev. Moon's words rendering the information that comes from the Family Federation's official channels not credible. In such a situation, this book pierces through the confusion like the sun rising after a long dark night.

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Music for sleep :) Muzică pentru somn :) Музыка для сна

Music for sleep :) Muzică pentru somn :) Музыка для сна

Опубликовано OM Radio 4 июля 2017 г.
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Факты о Детях Которые Выросли в Семьях Гомосексуалистов

Какими вырастут дети, которых воспитывали гомосексуалисты? Ответ на этот вопрос уже много лет интересует всех. Сторонни...

Опубликовано 30 июня 2017 г.
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