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The personal testimony by Mihai Calestru And Oleg Savenkov about what kind of hell they experience in the Moldovan prison and how they got there.

Personal Testimony By Mihai Calestru And Oleg Savenkov About The Hell In The Moldovan PrisonTestimony by Mihai Calestru

On Friday morning, October 30th, 2015, at about 7.35 a.m., I was awakened by the sound of the doorbell. Two police officers from the “Anti Human Trafficking Department” arrived to search my home apartment (the 1-room apartment that belongs to my mother in law). They showed me the document from the Prosecutor's office with the statement that I am suspected of a crime under art. 165. al. 3. Of the Moldovan Penal Code relating to Human Trafficking by Criminal Organized Groups over the period 2008-2015, under cover of carrying on a religious organization.

They produced the name list of identified victims. In the list were included ex church members that were recently excluded from the Church for aggressive behaviour towards the church and causing disturbances at its Sunday Service. During my conversation with the policemen I got calls from my colleagues and understood that at the same time 4 other groups of police officers carried out raids under warrant at 4 other locations connected with the UC of Moldova. My wife went to take my 4 year old son to the kindergarten and I gave the policemen my laptop, two size A6 notepads containing my notes, one USB flash drive and my bank card. All this was recorded on paper. I hope these things will be returned to me. I felt the policemen were surprised at seeing the humble living conditions of my family, because I was accused of crimes involving huge amounts of money. All household appliances and furniture in our small one room apartment were old and modest. Our family did not possess any luxury items, did not own a car or have any savings. In my discussions with the officers I felt they realized that the accusations were fabricated and in a certain respect treated me favourably as a result.

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Prezentatori: Willy Fautré "Drepturile Omului, Fără Frontiere Int'l" (Bruxelles) & Dr. Aaron Rhodes "Forumul Pentru Libertate Religioasă Europa" (Viena)

PRESS CONFERENCE: Two Members of a Minority Religion Jailed in Moldova, by Willy Fautré "Human Rights Without Frontiers" & Dr. Aaron Rhodes "Forum for Religious Freedom Europe" (Complete Conference & Reactions)

Comunicat / Release

Probabil nu toţi cei care vin la o conferinţă de presă, cunosc care este scopul iniţial, procedura de desfacere şi codul de comportament la un astfel de eveniment, ciudat însă este faptul că această problemă poate fi atribuită şi unor jurnalişti.


Reacţii / Reactions

Conținut restricționat, dacă nu puteți accesa, contactaţi-ne. | Restricted content, if you have no access, contact us.


PrincipiulDivin.md exprimă mulţumire deosebită traducătorului şi prezentatorilor comunicatului.
PrincipiulDivin.md expresses particular gratitude to the translator and release presenters.


Materiale / Materials

13 Questions For Sanctuary Leaders (by Nikolaus Beutl)

(1) Hyung Jin Nim knew already at the time of Father’s ascension that True Mother is not united with her husband – the first meeting to prepare the new version of Cheon Seong Gyeong took place already while Father was still alive on August 23, 2012. This fact became all the more clear in the months that followed. Why did he not speak out as international president and inform the worldwide membership at that time about what is going on in the Palace? As our main representative he had the responsibility to let us know what is actually happening.

Citeşte mai departe...

The Age Of Restoration Is Over

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