Pope Francis washed and kissed the feet of 12 Muslim, Catholic and Hindu refugees at the start of the Easter weekend
- Publicat de PrincipiulDivin.md
Abordare netradițională a rezolvării problemei migranților.
Pope Francis washes and kisses refugee feetPope Francis washed and kissed the feet of 12 Muslim, Catholic and Hindu refugees at the start of the Easter weekend. On Good Friday, he used his traditional address to criticise the West's "anaesthetised conscience" on the migrant crisis.
Опубликовано Channel 4 News 26 марта 2016 г.
Vizualizări: 3238
Categorie: Social
Portal educativ de tineret pentru studierea şi aplicarea Principiului Divin. Proiect susţinut de Biserica Unificării din Moldova.
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