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13 Questions For Sanctuary Leaders (by Nikolaus Beutl) vs. 13 Questions For Mike Jenkins (by Richard Panzer)

  • Опубликовал  Nikolaus Beutl & Richard Panzer

13 Questions For Sanctuary Leaders (by Nikolaus Beutl)

(1) Hyung Jin Nim knew already at the time of Father’s ascension that True Mother is not united with her husband – the first meeting to prepare the new version of Cheon Seong Gyeong took place already while Father was still alive on August 23, 2012. This fact became all the more clear in the months that followed. Why did he not speak out as international president and inform the worldwide membership at that time about what is going on in the Palace? As our main representative he had the responsibility to let us know what is actually happening.

(2) Why did he himself participate in the Foundation Day Blessing, drinking the holy wine offered at that time while knowing that it is invalid? Doing so brought him like everybody else under the dominion of the fallen archangel, as it is confirmed by Richard Panzer’s announcement: “True Father did not create the ‘Foundation Day’ holy wine. It was fake and therefore everybody receiving it did not become one with True Parents, but with the false parent, Satan...” In this way also Hyung Jin Nim had become one with Satan. How did he escape from that dominion so that he can now liberate others through the Blessing he is offering?

(3) Why does Hyung Jin Nim contradict himself without offering any explanation to clarify what is true? For example, he wrote on February 24, 2013 “We all crossed the finish line of the marathon we ran with True Father! I pray that many blessings may be upon you and your families as we all embark on ‘post-foundation-day’ life!” At that time he clearly recognized the validity of the Foundation Day Blessing having brought us beyond the finish line to the goal. And now he says that the Foundation Day Blessing is invalid, that the holy wine offered at that time was fake, etc. Are we to believe what Hyung Jin Nim wrote to all members in 2013 or what he is saying now concerning Foundation Day?

(4) Jesus said in Matthew 15:11, “What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” How then is it possible that drinking the holy wine on Foundation Day defiled Blessed couples so that they came to stand in a position outside of the lineage established by True Father? Why does Hyung Jin Nim contradict such fundamental statements of Jesus by claiming that drinking a fake holy wine brought everybody under the dominion of Satan as their parent?

(5) Hyung Jin Nim claims that all Blessed couples need to return to Father’s authority through participating in his Blessing. What does it mean to be under Father’s authority? Unless this question is clearly explained for everyone to understand it is irrelevant to speak about returning to Father’s authority. Why does Hyung Jin Nim not offer logical explanations concerning such fundamental points?

(6) On which foundation does Hyung Jin Nim have the right to state, “After that date, First Generation couples will still be able to return to True Father's authority, but only on the condition that they perform the 40-separation and 3-day ceremony following the Blessing.”? Such claims are definitely invalid according to the points I have outlined in the previous paragraphs. This applies also to the request that blessed children need to receive the Holy Marriage Blessing for Returning to True Father's Authority by February 13, 2016.

(7) Why does Hyung Jin Nim set himself up as the one who decides whether Blessed children are considered to be Second Generation by stating that those in this category who were Blessed by True Mother on Foundation Day or later lose their status unless they attend his Blessing by February 13, 2016 because afterwards they can only attend one of his Blessings as First Generation couple? Who gave him the right to remove the status of being a Second Generation from blessed children if they do not fulfil the conditions he has set up to define who is in that position and who isn’t?

(8) Why has Hyung Jin Nim been ignoring the structure which Father has set up with National Messiahs directly under him? They have been addressed for many years in the second position after the continental directors and before national leaders in every official mail from the Korean Headquarters. Why did Hyung Jin Nim not address them for help when he saw the corruption in the Palace? He never reached out to them until today, ignoring like the FFWPU top leadership the central importance of National Messiahship. How can such behaviour which shows that Hyung Jin Nim does not unite with the foundation True Father has established be justified?

(9) Hyung Jin Nim says he waited for years before he broke his silence because the members would not understand. Why did he not at least try to speak to the around 120 mainly Western National Messiahs who shared with one another in the NM-list group (only for National Messiahs) about serious problems and issues in our Movement? In this way he would exclusively address National Messiahs who each has his or her own personal experiences with Korean leaders. At that time he was the international president. Whom did he represent? Brothers and sisters around the world. Who were their highest representatives under the continental presidents? National Messiahs. So why does he not respect the structure which True Father himself has set up?

(10) Why is Hyung Jin Nim not true to his own words? In one of his sermons in Korea in the early years of his public ministry he emphasized the importance of a leader having also people among his close supporters who disagree with him because otherwise the leader would lose sight of reality. Why does Hyung Jin Nim not respond when his contradictory theology is being challenged? I was told that he is reading my reflections and appreciates them, but he never responded to my critique of his concepts, which I also offered through close supporters around him.

(11) Hyung Jin Nim emphasizes that he is in a special position as Father’s representative based on the Korean term Daeshinja. At https://vimeo.com/150473261 you can hear Father say to all members, “You have received the right of succession as representatives of Heaven.” Father uses the word Daeshinja, which means that not only Hyung Jin Nim but we all are Heaven’s representatives and even represent God as Father explained on January 2, 1992 about our position: “I am a total representative of God.’ That is the true way of human rights. That is where true human value and dignity come from.” Should not therefore Hyung Jin Nim be humble in front of his fellow Unificationists who are just as well Father’s representatives and allow their voice also to be heard in his church at the time of giving sermons?

(12) Why does Hyung Jin Nim not act as a filial and loyal Daeshinja who has inherited his father’s heart? True Father said about himself: “Even if I were to begin my life all over again, the only thing I would leave behind me is the term ‘True Love.’” (August 11, 2011) That means Father only wanted to leave the term True Love behind at the time of his ascension, the True Love teaching which he has been advocating to the extent that this term appears on average on every page of his speeches which were translated into English whereas these centrally important words can hardly be found in Hyung Jin Nim’s sermons. Why does Hyung Jin Nim not share in depth about the True Love Principle which his Father has been emphasizing so much?

(13) At the beginning of his public ministry Hyung Jin Nim spoke a lot about transparency and accountability. Why does he not apply his own teaching to himself? He points to the fact that Father has crowned him as his successor, but Hyung Jin Nim is not prepared to lead a completely public life like his Father. He is not really accessible for brothers and sisters around the world whom he has been representing as international president of our Movement. Even when a couple of hundred Second Generation members signed an invitation letter for him to come to Europe at the time of True Mother’s visit Hyung Jin Nim did not respond to them with a clear explanation why he declined to accept their invitation.

  • Complete Message

    My dear brothers and sisters,

    If you have read my recent reflections you know that I have been challenging members who are supporting Sanctuary Church to deal with fundamental errors in Hyung Jin Nim’s concepts and to help him to answer basic questions but so far my efforts have been in vain in respect to receiving a serious response. It turns out that both FFWPU and Sanctuary supporters are unwilling to offer clear answer concerning issues of new theologies which have been developed in recent years.

    Let us first look at the following reality. A few days ago an invitation was sent by Family Church of New York announcing that on Wednesday, January 6th, 2016, Dr Jenkins will be speaking at 4 West 43rd Street, stating that, “He will be giving a forum on Hyung Jin Nim, FFWPU, and the Sanctuary Church. Please come and attend if you are interested. Thank you very much.” On the following day it was claimed: “There was a communication malfunction at the local New York City church. Michael Jenkins' talk is going to be about True Parents' course. He never intended to mention anything at all to do with His Majesty King Moon Hyung Jin of Cheon Il Guk, nor with Sanctuary Church.” How is it possible that it is announced that Rev. Jenkin’s will speak about a certain topic when he has no intentions to do so? How is such a ‘miscommunication’ possible?

    Having heard about this event Richard Panzer suggested to Rev. Jenkins: “Dear Michael, I've just learned that you will be giving a ‘forum on Hyung Jin Nim, FFWPU, and the Sanctuary Church’ tomorrow at 7pm at 43rd street. Why not make this a forum where a real discussion can take place? Where you representing the Family Federation and I representing the Unification Sanctuary can have a respectful conversation about the important issues facing the Unification Movement and how best to carry on True Parents' legacy in America?”

    Since Michael Jenkins chose not to respond, Richard drafted 13 questions to which all brothers and sisters who have been following True Parents during the past decades deserve a clear answer. You find them at the link.

    Days have passed since these questions were put out in public for thousands of Unificationists to read but so far nobody from the side of FFWPU has come forward to even answer one of them. Why? The only plausible reason is that they do not have any answers because otherwise they would gladly offer them. This fact alone shows what a miserably poor level of taking responsibility is exhibited by the majority of leaders and members who ignore it or are unable to answer when challenged in fundamental points.

    What about the side of Sanctuary Church supporters? Are they prepared to offer clear and logical answers to the questions which have been put in front of them? So far the overall reality does not look very positive in this respect. Let us start with what is their top priority at this time, the upcoming February 13, Blessing. I would like to ask the Sanctuary leaders to answer the following questions:


    ...Through his behaviour Hyung Jin Nim is saying that all these close to 300 brothers and sisters who signed this petition do not know the Will of God. His attitude: “I know it better than they. I know that it is not God’s Will for me to come to Europe and you have to accept that without any explanation from my side. I have more important things to do than to respond to your invitation for the sake of reconciliation between my Mother and myself.” I know that his followers think that their king has the right to behave in such a way because he is above all others and everybody has to unite with him and his opinion. He is the centre. If this is the case, should not the central figure show the highest standard of respect and at least explain why these hundreds of brothers and sisters are wrong in thinking that it is God’s Will for him to meet his Mother in a neutral surrounding outside of the Palace in the city of Vienna where many historic ‘peace treaties’ were signed. Even True Father himself emphasized the importance of Austria for the sake of bringing people together….

    These 13 questions are only the starting point of many serious issues which need to be addressed concerning Hyung Jin Nim’s contradictory statements which he made in public. His teaching is not in line with what Father has been advocating, just as it is the case with the new theology propagated by FFWPU leaders. Both sides show that they are completely incompetent in respect to leading our Movement in the right direction. Unless they are prepared to offer clear and logical answers to all the fundamental questions addressed to them concerning their teaching and behaviour they are in no position whatsoever to be entrusted with positions of leadership in God’s work of guiding all humankind into the embrace of His Heart and Love.

    Now it will become crystal clear where both Sanctuary Church as well as Family Federation supporters are standing in respect to having inherited the core of True Father’s legacy and to which extent their behaviour is in line with his teaching and the Divine Principle. Nobody can escape this final judgment by the Word, Personality and Heart because God’s eternal and unchanging Truth has been fully revealed.

    Blessed is who focuses on the practice of True Love, evaluating any situation from this highest standpoint with the readiness to give logical answers which are fully in line with God’s True Love Principle which provides the key to resolve any issue.

    Sincerely yours,


    Later, Nikolaus's letter got removed from Facebook goup The UC and the Truth, because only the truth will set us free, here follows his reaction:

    My dear brothers and sisters,

    Because my previous letter about FFWPU and Sanctuary leaders being unwilling to answer questions was simply removed from “The UC and The Truth…” I wrote the following letter for the administrators of this Facebook group to consider:

    Dear administrators, I have posted the questions which I would like Sanctuary Church leaders to answer in this group but they were erased. This is the 4th time that a letter from my side was simply deleted along with the comments made in response. This was done in violation of the rules set up for this Facebook group where it says, “The purpose of this group is to be a Sanctuary for Free Speech and Free Association for Unificationists and others. This objective of this group is to provide a forum for communication for those who want to learn more about the work of Hyung Jin Moon and Yeon Ah Moon… POSTS SHOULD BE MADE ACCORDING TO THIS PURPOSE OR WE WILL ASK MEMBERS TO REMOVE POST.” My post was made fully in accordance with the purpose of this group, containing 13 questions to Sanctuary Church leaders concerning what Hyung Jin Nim has said in public. That means that the moderators of this group violated their own rules. They did not even ask me to remove my post as they promised in capital letters in case there was any issue. concerning my post there was no issue whatsoever because my letter was fully in line with the purpose for which this group was created and still it was simply deleted along with comments made in response.

    Should not the administrators of this site take full responsibility for their actions of deleting four times my posts in violation of the rules set up by them? Their behaviour shows that they are violating the purpose of this group to be a Sanctuary for Free Speech and Free Association for Unificationists. My posts were simply removed without any warning or any explanation which means nothing less than no freedom of speech and no rights at all for Nikolaus Beutl in case he writes something which we do not like.

    After the rules for this group are presented you can read in capital letters on this Facebook site: “FOR EVERYONE'S SHARED BENEFIT IF A GROUP MEMBER VIOLATES THE PURPOSE OR RULES THEY WILL BE NOTIFIED AND ASKED TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IF THEY CONTINUE TO VIOLATE THEY WILL BE BLOCKED AND THEN REMOVED. Let's have fruitful communication as we pursue the Truth with Love.” This rule was simply ignored four times in the case of my posts having been erased, starting with the reflection “Let us focus on the Principled view of the Blessing”. The upcoming Blessing is emphasized a lot but a letter dealing with a Principled standpoint is simply deleted along with the many comments which were made in response which included William Haines stating, “At last an intelligent contribution.” (August 11, 2016 at 10:16 a.m.) William Haines is an internationally recognized Divine Principle lecturer of our Movement who has been teaching e.g. every year at the summer workshops in Cheong Pyeong. Why would a letter which is appreciated by him as an “intelligent contribution” be erased by the administrators of this Facebook group?

    I wrote at that time in response to questions raised by Lewis P.: “Dear Lewis, thanks a lot for dealing with this important topic seriously and for your constructive comments. As Unificationists we understand that God wants His children to enjoy 3 Blessings. The Messiah opens up the way to reach that goal, whereby the Blessing we received from True Parents is conditional because enjoying its fruits is dependent on people fulfilling their responsibility of living in line with the True Love Principle. The Blessing represents a certain condition through which we came to be in the position of Adam and Eve before the Fall so that the way is open for us to reach oneness with God. From this viewpoint you are certainly right that the Blessing represents a starting point in God’s providence which enables all people to live fully in line with the purpose of creation once they live up to the Blessing vows.”

    Tanya N. asked in her comment: “Dear friends! I have a question. I remember , that Father said that we must receive Blessing not one time....then we were called to participate in Blessing ceremony in 2006... Later there was a Blessing in 2009 for everybody. Then during Foundation Day we felt somehow strange at that Ceremony...we couldn't feel it as Celebration, as they tried to say to us. And we participated in that ceremony only because Father has emphasized the importance of Blessing-Registration Ceremony, which we thought was on the Foundation Day. Now the question - what Ceremony (B-R) Father was talking about? And is there possibility, that this time - August 30 - there will be the Ceremony, holding by Father from spiritual world (through HgJN) - which He called as Blessing-Registration? God bless everyone! (heart emoticon angel emoticon).”

    These and many other comments were simply deleted. They are gone, forever, as I do not have a copy from most of the comments and the administrators did not care to save a copy of what brothers and sisters where sharing in response to my post. This is how much freedom of speech counts for those who are advocating the Freedom Society! The opinion of brothers and sisters has little value for them.

    As I quoted you could read what the administrators wrote: “Let's have fruitful communication as we pursue the Truth with Love.” Has deleting posts as well as all comments made in response something to do with pursuing Truth with Love? Of course not. It represents the opposite. Pursuing one’s own agenda and everything which is in its way will be erased. No other opinion is welcome, especially when it is presented in a logical way as an intellectual contribution to the ongoing discussion.

    Why would somebody do this to begin with? If you have clear arguments then you have no problem at all with people who have another opinion because you know the truth will win in the long run anyway. But is you do not have arguments you use force – as it was done countless times in history and in this Facebook group four times in respect to my contributions. No warning, no asking me to remove it, no justification given, nothing. My posts simply disappeared, similarly to people who expressed some critical opinion about the communist regime disappearing overnight into the Gulag. Yes, I am still a free man but my opinion has been deleted when administrators of this group did not see any other way to deal with my arguments which are all backed up by True Father’s own words.

    Isn’t it high time that the hard questions are not only asked about the behaviour of FFWPU leaders but also of core supporters of Hyung Jin Nim? When Rev. Jenkins did not respond to Richard Panzer’s 13 questions about True Mother he posted them in this group. But when I asked 13 questions about what Hyung Jin Nim has said and done my post was deleted. No room for inquiries about the Second King’s behaviour in this group which was especially created to promote a deeper understanding of the New King!

    Who will take responsibility for what has happened and publicly apologize to the 4300 members of this group who were lied to by claiming that this is a safe place for communication while at the same time there exists total censorship for opinions the administrators cannot handle. There is no room for such posts irrespective of how much they may be liked and appreciated by those who seek for deeper understanding and logical answers. What members value counts nothing if the leadership, in this case the administrators, do not like it.

    The core problem lies in those occupying positions considering themselves to be above the law and so they have no qualms of conscience to violate rules which they themselves have set up. They feel no need for an apology for what they have done and so no clarification whatsoever was offered concerning previously three posts form my side having been deleted in this community. Administrators feel that they have the right to decide what others are allowed to read and what not. Instead of serving the members of the group as their title implies they are centred on themselves. Of course they want to justify their behaviour by saying that the membership needs to be protected from the influence of Nikolaus Beutl but at the same time they have the problem that the founder of this group as well as many prominent members like Richard Panzer have repeatedly expressed their gratitude for my work including most recently in response to my reflection “Blessed families have been made through me, Han Chongjae Nim” where he wrote: “Nikolaus, this is a shocking and sad statement. Thanks for all of your research efforts. God bless.”

    Please imagine the overall situation visually: There is a meeting of some 4300 Unificationists who have each their own opinion but are also interested in what others want to say. In order to avoid any chaos of everybody speaking at the same time there is the rule that each member who is part of this community under the theme that the Truth will set us free, certain rules were established including, “Only one new Posted thread per person per Day”. Now, if Nikolaus Beutl comes forward to speak to the audience and he says something what the administrators do not like he is swiftly removed from the stage without any explanation or justification of what is being done in violation of the existing regulations.

    If fundamental rules are violated then punishment follows in every civilized society, all the more in communities where Unificationists gather to share with one another centred on the Truth because the Truth will set us free. If the leaders of the Sanctuary Church were in the possession of the truth they would never act in the way they did in respect to the reflection letters which were removed from my side.

    One of the comments made in response to yesterday’s letter about FFWPU and Sanctuary leaders being unwilling to answer questions: “Oh, good show, mate! Excellent post and challenge. I keep saying it...the core problem here is the complete focus on externals over internals. It's a sign of ignorance of God, Father and Divine Principle.”

    Another comment: “I just read your latest letter. Very Good. In all this it is important to also remember the Predestination Message re man's portion of responsibility. Father praised both Mother and HJN as he did the Kwaks, but man's responsibility extends beyond being praised and being anointed. Also for HJN to be attacking public figures as in the Pope is not Father's way. Because HJN did not attempt to save Mother from herself by even laying down his life as Jesus exhorted and practised, his efforts were lame and also self-centred as Mother's agenda is now. These are people who have not embodied Father's heart and therefore can not receive the crown of glory which requires loving one's enemies. Yes, you can receive the external crown of anointment but will you receive the internal crown of glory. That can only be done by becoming the embodiment of love and accomplishing one's own portion of responsibility, which is centred on practising unconditional true love.

    This is what HJN needs to talk about continuing from where his Father left off, like a relay race where the baton is passed on. What I see Is someone running back to the starting line and even beyond that. The wilderness era will not see God's Kingdom emerge. This is the realm of following leaders and being leader centred in direct violation of what Father taught, saying that even it won't do to be centred on Father but we should be centred on the members developing the congregation horizontally. This is the failure of both FFWPU's leadership and therefore Mother And Sanctuary who are now centred on HJN. If that is not true then they can report what we are saying in terms of criticism of HJN and Mother to their respective leaders and they can answer for themselves. If they choose not to, that just proves how leader centred they are as they are not prepared to share what others think about them BASED ON FATHER'S WORDS. Which would therefore imply by default that they are not actually centred on the Word of God but a person as Adam and Eve were centred on the Angel Lucifer not God's Word. It's no use upholding the Eight Great Sacred Texts if they are not prepared to deal with all of Father's words which reveal something different to what they uphold. Predestination is very clear about man only being justified and glorified when he fulfils his responsibility no matter what his pedigree may be.”

    Who will take responsibility for the contradictory situation that on the side of those supporting Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim the “Freedom Society” is propagated while at the same time the opposite is being practiced when it comes to dealing with voices which are based on logic and reason as intellectual contributions whereby moderators feel that they have no way to deal with them on an equal basis so that they simply eras what is being said due to the lack of clear arguments?

    Sincerely yours,


13 Questions For Mike Jenkins (by Richard Panzer)

1. In her Oct. 24, 2015 speech Mother only mentioned Father once, referring to a flower growing by his grave. Why does Mother hardly mention Father in her speeches anymore? Why were blessing rings at the Feb. 2013 Blessing inscribed ONLY with her name? Why did she insist upon replacing the original Cheong Seong Gyeong instead of issuing a new collection of speeches under a different name?

2. Mother has said that she was born sinless (change of blood lineage in her mother's womb) while Father said that the Lord of the Second Advent must marry and restore a woman with fallen lineage. Was Father wrong about Mother's fallen lineage? If it is true that Mother was born sinless, why did Father not tell us about this?

3. Mother has said that while she was born sinless, Father was not "restored" until he met Jesus. She also declares that all of Christian history was for her coming as the sinless Only Begotten Daughter, the Lord of the Second Advent. Was Mother, not Father, the long-awaited fruit of all Christian history, as she says in several recent speeches?

4. Mother was not Father's first or second choice to be his bride. Since Mother states that all of human history waited for her as the unique "Only Begotten Daughter," were the first two brides predestined to fail? If so, why does the Divine Principle not explain about that?

5. Father clearly instructed church leaders many times not to change the Cheong Seong Gyeong and warned that the church would be divided if that were done.
Because Mother authorized the new scriptures, isn't she responsible for the current division in the Unification Movement?

6. Mrs. Eu said in several cities during her nationwide speaking tour in the U.S. that
"Father embraced Hyung Jin Nim, but Mother was different. Mother said, 'No!' " during the years when Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim were being crowned as the heir/successor couple to True Parents. How does Mrs. Eu's statement match with the belief that "True Parents are One?"

7. In 2007, Father said that "Mother must now perfect herself by June 16, 2013." On August 29, 2011, True Father spoke about the future "Perfection Level Blessing of True Parents" that was to take place on his birthday in 2012. The day prior to this planned Holy Wedding of True Parents in 2012, True Father cancelled the wedding. Doesn't this indicate that Mother is not perfect, and that she was/is not perfectly united with Father?

8. Hyung Jin Nim was fired from the Presidency of the Family Federation of Korea two weeks after Father's Seonghwa. Why did Mother wait until after Father's passing to fire him? What explanation or justification was provided for this firing?

9. Why is the Divine Principle not listed as a key scripture in FFWPU's CIG Constitution?

10. Hyung Jin Nim was told to stop teaching about Absolute Sex in America in early 2013 and then fired from his position as president of HSA-UWC in the U.S. Is there something wrong with Father's Absolute Sex teaching?

11. Japanese brothers and sisters have been charged nearly10 times more to have their ancestors liberated than brothers and sisters in the U.S. Will you and other FFWPU leaders in the U.S. publicly request that this discrimination against the Japanese be immediately stopped?

12. Hyung Jin Nim was crowned three times as the heir to True Parents in 2009, with the appointment reaffirmed in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Was Father wrong when he stated on 4/18/08 that Hyung Jin Nim has authority as the heir of the "True Parent, the True Teacher, and the True King?" Why do you think Father did not mention Mother in this declaration?

13. If there is a conflict between Father's words and Mother's words, which ones should we follow?

  • Complete Message

    Dear Richard,
    Yesterday morning the "Family Church of New York" announced that "on Wednesday, January 6th, 2016, Dr. Jenkins will be speaking at 4 West 43rd Street at 7PM. He will be giving a forum on Hyung Jin Nim, FFWPU, and the Sanctuary Church. Please come and attend if you are interested. Thank you very much." I decided to reach out to Mike to see if this could be a real forum and sent the following email:
    Dear Michael, I've just learned that you will be giving a "forum on Hyung Jin Nim, FFWPU, and the Sanctuary Church" tomorrow at 7pm at 43rd street. Why not make this a forum where a real discussion can take place? Where you representing the Family Federation and I representing the Unification Sanctuary can have a respectful conversation about the important issues facing the Unification Movement and how best to carry on True Parents' legacy in America?

    Since Mike chose not to respond, I've drafted 13 questions I believe all brothers and sisters following True Parents during the past decades deserve a CLEAR answer to. If you see Mike tonight or in the future, feel free to hand him these questions and ask him for honest answers.


    ...I do find it puzzling why, if FFWPU is confident that it is following God's Will and the Truth, its leaders are afraid to have an honest dialog... If the 13 questions above are too much, perhaps they could issue a clear, written statement about such topics as:
    1. Reasons for the Firing of Hyung Jin Nim in 2012 and 2013
    2. Is Mother sinless? Are we now saved through the Han lineage?
    3. Did Mother save Father?
    3. Why only Mother's signature on Blessing rings in 2013?
    4. Why the Divine Principle is not listed as a key scripture in the FFWPU CIG Constitution?
    5. What is wrong with the Absolute Sex teachings?
    6. Why Japanese members need to pay 10 times more?
    7. If there is a conflict between Father's words and Mother's words, which ones should we follow?

Последнее изменение: Понедельник, 11 Январь, 2016, 11:37:27

Комментариев: 1

  • tosha

    Ma apuca boala cand vad postari in engleza fara traducere.Totus e o sursa pentru md , cel putin asa eu inteleg, deasta si fac parte aici.
    Altfel puteam sa ma inregistrez si la alte sumedenii de siteuri cu continut englez....
    Daca nu am dreptate, imi cer scuza, corectatima...vb asa cum inteleg la moment .

    Eu am inteles!
    Voi ma provocati ca sa invat engleza!!
    DACA eu invat engleza o sa scriu articole doar in engleza. si o sa ma rugati sa scriu in romana si nu o sa mai vreau...o sa va raspund:
    "I do not understand Romanian"

    Aaa, eu am tradus in internet...am inteles ca voprosurile nu se refera la mine si nici la vorbitorii de Romana.

    Pohodu TA spune ca: una e sa te nasti fara pacat si cu tatu alta e sa cresti si sa treci prin acele stadii de crestere, formare, desavarsire....Adam si Eva tot erau fara de pacat dar nu erau inca perfecti...deaceia si TA si MA au avut nevoie sa treaca aceste trei etape sa restaureze la nivel individual, de familie de natiune si de cosmos ...pentru ca sa ajunga in sfera directa a lui Dumnezeu, si sa traiasca una cu Dumnezeu...
    si Mama si Tata au trecut calea de restaurare...desi sau nascut fara pacat....(din cate stiu eu, la seminar sa explicat ca si mama si tata sau nascut fara pacat, adica a fost restaurata situatia...dar nu incap aici in detalii cu asta) ei ca mesia au trebuit sa restaureze pe totz de la Adam si Eva...cu toate ca nici unu nu aveau nevoie de asta au platit pentru omenire. Tata des spunea multe am a va spune dar nu sunteti gata a le intelege...si i-a incredintat Mamei toate tomurile si a spus ca doar ei ii va spune ce si cum si cand sa faca sau sa dea informatie publicului...toti ca nishte copkii striga ca vreem transparentza, vrem transparentza....de ce nime nu a indraznit lu TA sa skiorlae de transparentza!?!?!? atunci cand el a spus ca inkid anumita info si nu o voi da lumii pan nu va fi timpu!!! cu indignare spunea!!! Voi nu suntetzi vrednici sa cititi cartea asta...o sa vreti dar cartea singura se va intoarce de la voi!!! spunea asta cu indignare si disperare...si totusi a increzut toate tomurile Mamei....desi ceva mai devreme spusese ca: Eu traesc de parca am trait toate astea...el vedea destul de clar viitorul...si la sigur undeva in indrumarile Mamei adevarate ia prevenit situatiile astea...si la sigur ia dat indrumari pentru viitor ce sa faca ce sa publice......
    daca nu avem raspuns la toate intrebarile poate ca nu e timpu...sau poate trebue sa ne spalam urekile sau inima pentru a le auzi raspunsu....nu o sa ma credetzi dar am stranutat iaca...

    eu indemn ca sa se asculte si sa se citeasca atent orice fraza din lincu indicat mai jos.
    socot asta o cuvantare foarte importanta omenirii.
    DACA TA ca Messia o vazut la sigur viitoru foarte clar si a inmanat tomurile MA, de ce sa nu am incredere si sa respect pozitia Lui??....ma ca Vanga si alte prezikatori puteau prezice viitoru...credeti ca TA era asa de slab in asta!?!?!?(((((((((


    Автор: tosha 15.01.2016 17:13 Пермалинк
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