Truth Can Be Discovered In Many Ways, Both Through Religion And Science
- Опубликовал Andrei
I believe in God (Heavenly Parent) and in the teachings of the True Parents (Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han), such as the Divine Principle.
I believe life on earth is just a preparation time for the eternal life in a Spiritual World. Preparation means discovering Heavenly Parent’s Love, learning to love and serve others. All the people are God’s children, and we can learn love in families, so at the end everyone will live together in families in the Heavenly Kingdom, after a process of growth and spiritual development, for some sooner, for some later.
In my childhood, I attended the Christian Orthodox Church every Sunday and started studying the Bible, so I felt God’s presence in my life and His Love. But it was difficult to understand and accept some events described in Bible, especially from a scientific point of view, for example the idea of dead people rising from their tombs, or why God loved one nation more than others. When I was a student I was invited to Divine Principle seminars, so during these seminars I discovered more about God and what actually is described in the Bible. What I liked very much is that actually Science Development is also God’s desire and the truth can be discovered in many ways, both through religion and science. Most importantly, I felt God’s Love much deeper, so I decided to follow this teaching.
That’s how I came to identify myself with the Unification Church and Family Federation for World Peace and Unification [founded in South Korea in 1954]. The aim of the Unification Church is to unite all Christians and other religions as one family under God. I follow the principles described in Divine Principle and the philosophy described in Unification Thought. The True Parents, some of their followers, and Jesus are examples of characters through whom I learn about God and I become more convinced about Divine Principle Truth.
I can’t say that I understand every detail of Divine Principle, so I continue to study it. I agree with the things I understand. Some ideas are challenging but I just try to study harder and pray about them. Of course, I wish I would practice more prayer and be more kind and loving towards others. I am working on it, but I am not perfect.
Thanks to the Unification Church I found and married my wife. I feel happy with her, and we very often discuss God’s providence together and try to make the world a better place.
I often see that people are afraid of religions, especially new ones like the one I am following. In Moldova [where I live] the Unification Church is discriminated by mass media and the authorities. I can see it easily through Facebook likes. For example, if I put a picture with me giving a training to some adolescents about happy life and will not mention Unification Church, then I get a lot of likes, more than 100. But if I add the same picture with the same description but at the end I mention Unification Church, I get only 5-7 likes. Some members of the Church were so traumatized by the discrimination that they migrated to other countries
People believe that I am active and do a lot of things just because this is my character, but this is actually not true. I do many things because I feel God’s presence in my life and I want to share the love I receive from Him with others. Another thing to mention, many people believe that I don’t drink alcohol because my religion prohibits it, and this is not true. I don’t drink alcohol because I don’t like it and I don’t need it, and also because many people do stupid things when they are drunk, so I don’t drink also as a protest to this.

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